Thinkers beliefs - indian culture

CBSE Assignment for Class XII History -Thinkers Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Development. Based on CBSE and CCE guidelines. The students should read these basic concepts to gain perfection which will help him to get more marks in CBSE examination. Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings, Cultural Developments (600 BCE to 600 CE) Q.1 Why had Magadha become the centre of the new religious movement? Ans. (i) The people of Magadha responded readily to the Budhism because they were looked down upon the orthodox Brahmanas.        (ii) The role of the rulers of the Magadha. They took keen interest on spreading the religion in India as well in other countries.        (iii) The wealth of Magadha also helped in spreading new religious movements. Q.2 How far the Indian Rulers were responsible for the preservation of the Stupa of Sanchi? Ans. The role played by Rulers of India special the rulers of Bhopal could protect the many monuments. The role of the kings of Bhopal for protection of Sanchi monuments is as under. (i) In nineteenth century Europeans were very much interested in structure at Sanchi. In fact, the French requested Shahjehan Begum for permission to take away eastern gateway, which was the best preserved, to be displayed in a Museum in French. For a while some Englishmen also wished to do the same but fortunately both the French and the English were satisfied with carefully prepared plaster cast copies and the originalremained at the site, part of the Bhopal state. (ii) The ruler of Bhopal, Shahjehan Begum and her successor Sultan Jehan Begum provided money for preservation of the ancient site. She funded the Museum that was built there as well as the guest house where she lived. She funded the publication of the volumes as well. (iii) So if the Stupa complex has survived, it is in no small measure due to wise decisions of Begums and to good luck in escaping from the eyes of railway and to carry away to the Museums of Europe. Q.3 Why do you think the Budha advised his followers to be lamps unto yourselves? Ans. We think the Budha advised his followers to be lamps unto yourselves because he regarded the social world as the creation of human according to him is has no divine origin. Therefore he advised rulers and chief of the families to be human and athetical according to him. Only individual efforts were expected to transformed social relation. It was also expected to lead to self realisation and nirbhan, literally the blowing out of the ego and desire, and thus and the cycle of suffering for those who renounced the world. According to Budhist tradition, his last words to his followers were "I am reaching the end to my life."

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